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Here are links and resources as well as tips and ideas for todays alternative and goth inspired  fashion. Any suggestions, insights or  links are welcomed please email me  with your  links.
What is fashion a style, a look a certain way you dress,
I prefer to have my own style and not look like evryone else. since my youth I can remember dressing dark and liking long dresses but always tried to fit in. If you didnt have the latest fashions you were snubbed. well I think its best to wear what you want. As you please too.

Be yourself
Here are some fashion links

good Goth
Sinister Candy
Lip Service
Redemption Klothing
Spooky Boutique
Black Rose
Heavy Red
Matrix- Clothing
Chateau Bizarre

The Mission Boutique
House of Fae
Venus coset
Crimson Gypsy
Gypsy Moon
Amaltheas Attic
Orchard Corset
Dark Leather
Old Curiosity Shop
Jeannie Nitro
Arsenic Fashions
** Gothic Footwear**

Dazzling Heels
Goth shoes
Sexy Shoes
Punitive Shoes
Banana Shoes
sexy Shoes UK
Stilletto Shoes

night shade
Rivet head
Goth Rosary
Art With Latex
Screaming Chica
Nipple Jewelry
Crown Trout Jewelers

Fatal Impact
Flaming Angels
Ipso Facto
Strange Monster
Gothic Lace
Sock dreams
Necessary evils
Holloween Town

Poetry  -  short stories  - Rants and Raves  - Suggestions  - Salutions  Dark Art  Dark Art 2
Dark Devi  -  Dark Devas  - Kashmir Rose  Gothique Magique  -  Diviana DeVour- music
Dark DevaPromotions    - Fashion  - Beauty   Mystic Vamp  - Gothic  Fetish  -  Pagan
The Devi  websites  - Photos   - Friends   -   Guest Book  - Awards   - Models  - Musicians
Artists  -  Photographers  -  Directories  -  Makeup Artists  Agencies  -  Dedications
Dark Embrace  The Dark  Deva  -  Lavender Dreams  -  Gypsy Moon  - Designers